健康食品 本物にこだわった自然食品、健康食品をご案内。自分が飲んで、食べてお気に入りの健康食品をご紹介

体のなかから、すっきり健康、いっつも元気 ナビゲーター
元気情報インデックス  自然食品リスト 健康食品リスト ホーム ヘルプ サイトマップ 会社概要 ご注文について お問い合わせ カートを見る

■  helth food 

  This product contains live natto cultures which activate once in the intestines. It increases and stabilizes the activity of other helpful microorganisms which are naturally present inside us (like lactic-acid bacilli, Lactobacillus bifidus), and as a result, it flushes out disease-causing bacteria.

2 months supply of 540 tablets for 3150 yen, including 150 yen sales tax
150 million strong house-keeping staff for your intestines!

Natto cultures activate while travelling through the small intestines.

Natto's Powers:
Prevents food poisoning
Prevents various thrombotic ailments
Prevents osteoporosis

Unique features of natto culture
It has an endospore and is one of the most stable, well protected bacteria in nature.
(It reaches your intestines without dying)
It is a powerful agent in food digestion.
It is a producer of vitamins.
It promotes the growth of lactic-acid bacilli in the intestines.
It inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestines.

Recent scientific studies have been confirming what has been known through out the ages in Japan about the positive health benefits of natto and the natto culture (bionattomin).

Also, the recent increase in cancer rates, lowered resistance to germs, and increase in allergies have led many researchers to conclude it is due to the westernization of the Japanese diet.

Natto culture activates when it reaches the intestines. It increases and stabilizes the activity of other helpful microorganisms which are naturally present inside us (like lactic-acid bacilli, lactobacillus bifidus), and as a result, it flushes out disease-causing bacteria. Natto will curb the increase of O-157 and is gaining recognition for its anti-biotic functions.

According to a prewar report from the Japanese Imperial Navy, "Treating typhus sufferers with natto, the typhus bacterium disappeared in a short time."

The beauty of natto culture is that it only kills the harmful disease causing microorganisms while increasing those helpful ones. It provides a boost of vitality that your intestines will really appreciate.


「スーパーベジタブル」は、毎日の野菜不足を補い、「納豆菌シリーズ」は 納豆菌、乳酸菌で善玉菌を強化。

 キング 定価:6,825円 ちょう・元気なっとうや 定価:3,150円 ゴールドなっとう